Tako - Our Public API

Our Public API

This is the status page for Tako. If an issue is indicated here, you can be assured that we are working to resolve it as soon as possible and return to normal operations.

If you experience any issue, please reach out to https://discord.gg/tako for faster issue escalation or via email at team@tako.id. Thank you!



Get the overall status for your status page. Doesn’t include components and historical notices.

"page": {
"name": "Tako",
"url": "https://tako.instatus.com",
"status": "UP"
"activeIncidents": [
"id": "cl4a8n3070721qtmzvts760c4",
"name": "We're facing an issue with our API",
"started": "2022-06-11T18:55:50Z",
"status": "INVESTIGATING",
"impact": "MAJOROUTAGE",
"url": "https://testing-widget.instatus.com/incident/cl4a8n3070721qtmzvts760c4",
"updatedAt": "2022-06-11T19:30:00Z"
"activeMaintenances": [
"id": "cl4a8nlv50918qtmzdlw60ivu",
"name": "Database maintenance",
"start": "2022-06-11T18:55:54Z",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"duration": "60",
"url": "https://testing-widget.instatus.com/maintenance/cl4a8nlv50918qtmzdlw60ivu",
"updatedAt": "2022-06-11T19:30:00Z"


Get your status page components, and active issues affecting them.

"id": "ckf01fvnxywz60a35wdbn5gz5",
"name": "App",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"description": "",
"isParent": false,
"children": []